Holiday shipping deadlines and closures learn more Holiday shipping deadlines and closures learn more


This site is the property of and run by an entity of:

Nidecker SA

Place de l'Industrie 2

1180 Rolle VD Switzerland

Commune nbr. Rolle 5861

EGID: 829481

CH-ID / Numéro fédéral : CH-550.1.044.049-4

No dossier: 2005/07799

RC status: Active

VAT number: CHE-112.452.875 MWST

VAT register status: Active

Status information is as follows:

UID (IDE) CHE-112.452.875

UID status Active

UID extension HR/MWST

OFRC-ID: 798467

Competent Office: Registre du commerce du Canton de Vaud, Switzerland
